• We recently had a state senator declare (at a public event) that the Phoenix Dream Center has been the answer” in addressing homelessness in Phoenix. At a Church Ambassador Network meeting in April, the Dream Center began a partnership to help the people living on the streets of Phoenix.  This was the top story on ABC 15’s 6pm news on April 3, 2013.  In this work, the Dream Center invited people living in “The Zone,” a large homeless encampment near downtown Phoenix, to leave the streets and come to the Dream Center.  To date, they had 200 people leave “The Zone,” and over 20 of them continued on in the Dream Center’s one-year live-in program which provides life skills classes, three meals a day, and a bed!
  • We had requests from two legislators who very much enjoyed meeting with the pastor from their district this past month. They asked to have another meeting with the pastor as soon as possible!